Sometimes the sight of an older, skinny cat is thought to be “normal.” However, some cats might have a disease process that is causing them to look thin and frail with a rough haircoat – perhaps Hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism is an endocrine disease of the thyroid gland causing it to produce too much thyroid enzyme. The clinical signs that an owner recognizes are:
· Vomiting
· Weight loss
· Rough, unkept haircoat
· Voracious appetite
· Change in behavior-hyperactive – seeking extra attention
· Increased thirst
Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by doing bloodwork, and it is a treatable disease. There are various options for treatment that should be discussed with a veterinarian. After treatment is initiated, clients are pleasantly surprised when their cat starts to gain weight and has a “normal appetite” again.